As a Software Developer, you should always try to know more and more.
one of the ways that you can easily learn from it, it's reading books.
there are a lot of valuable books to help you out in this field and they can change your level "From Zero To Hero 😁"
So Let's Get Started And Have A Look At 10 Amazing Book For Django Developers.
#1 - Django for Beginners by William S. Vincent
If you haven't started Django yet, this book can teach you all you need to start working with Django Framework and build your first projects.
this book is very beginner-friendly as Willian said:
"My goal with this book is to fill in the gaps and showcase how beginner-friendly Django really can be."
In This Book, You'll Learn:
-- Installation of Python and Django
-- Using Git
-- Full Blog App
-- Authentication
-- Templates (HTML / CSS)
-- Database and Django ORM
-- Production-Ready Deployment...
#2 - Django for Professionals by William S. Vincent
According to
" Django for Professionals takes your web development skills to the next level, teaching you how to build production-ready websites with Python and Django.
Once you have learned the basics of Django there is a massive gap between building simple "toy apps" and what it takes to build a "production-ready" web application suitable for deployment to thousands or even millions of users."
In This Book, You'll Learn:
-- Build a Bookstore website from scratch
-- Use Docker and PostgreSQL locally to mimic production settings
-- Implement advanced user registration with an email
-- Customize permissions to control user access
-- Write comprehensive tests
-- Adopt advanced security and performance improvements
-- Add search and file/image uploads
-- Deploy with confidence...
#3 - Django for APIs by William S. Vincent
According to
" Django for APIs is a project-based guide to building modern web APIs with Django & Django REST Framework. It is suitable for beginners who have never built an API before as well as professional programmers looking for a fast-paced introduction to Django fundamentals and best practices. "
In This Book, You'll Learn:
-- What Web APIs Are?
-- Create API Project
-- Connect With React.JS
-- User Authentication and Permissions
-- Schemas and Documentation
-- Production Deployment...
#4 - Two Scoops of Django by Audrey Roy Greenfeld & Daniel Roy Greenfeld
According to
" In Two Scoops of Django, we introduce you to various tips, tricks, patterns, code snippets, and techniques that we’ve picked up over the years. "
In This Book, You'll Learn:
-- Coding Style
-- Fundamentals of Django App Design
-- Model Best Practices
-- Queries and the Database Layer
-- Templates: Best Practices
-- Building REST APIs With Django REST Framework
-- Building GraphQL APIs With Django
-- Working With the Django Admin
-- Security Best Practices...
#5 - Django 4 by Example by Antonio Mele
According to
" Django 4 By Example is the 4th edition of the best-selling franchise that helps you build web apps. This book will walk you through the creation of real-world applications, solving common problems, and implementing best practices using a step-by-step approach. "
In This Book, You'll Learn:
-- Full Authentication and OAuth2
-- Working With PostgresSQL, Celery, Redis, RabbitMQ, Docker, etc...
-- Build E-Commerce, Full Blog, E-Learning System, CMS, Chat Server, and Social Media
-- Deployment and Going Live...
#6 - Django Design Patterns and Best Practices by Arun Ravindran
According to
" Building secure and maintainable web applications requires comprehensive knowledge. The second edition of this book not only sheds light on Django but also encapsulates years of experience in the form of design patterns and best practices. Rather than sticking to GoF design patterns, the book looks at higher-level patterns. Using the latest version of Django and Python, you’ll learn about Channels and asyncio while building a solid conceptual background. The book compares design choices to help you make everyday decisions faster in a rapidly changing environment. "
In This Book, You'll Learn:
-- Application Design
-- Django and Patterns
-- Testing and Debugging
-- Security
-- Working Asynchronously...
#7 - Designing Microservices with Django by Akos Hochrein
" Explore microservices using the Python-based Django framework and review their benefits and drawbacks of them. This book will examine what microservices look like, how they talk to each other, and how they are crafted using the Python programming language and the Django web framework. "
In This Book, You'll Learn:
-- Anatomy of a Microservice
-- Scaling Development
-- From Monolith to Microservice...
And As A Django Developer, You Should Have Strong Knowledge of Python.
So, We Are Going to Know About 2 Python Books.
#8 - Python Tricks by Dan Bader
According to
" With Python Tricks: The Book you'll discover Python's best practices with simple, yet practical examples. You'll get one step closer to mastering Python, so you can write beautiful and idiomatic code that comes to you naturally. "
In This Book, You'll Learn:
-- Write Clean and Pythonic Code
-- Lesser Known Parts in Python That You Should Know about it...
#9 - Clean Code in Python by Mariano Anaya
According to
" With updated code and revised content aligned to the new features of Python 3.9, this second edition of Clean Code in Python will provide you with all the tools you need to overcome these obstacles and manage your projects successfully. The book begins by describing the basic elements of writing clean code and how it plays a key role in Python programming. You will learn about writing efficient and readable code using the Python standard library and best practices for software design. "
In This Book, You'll Learn:
-- Clean Architecture
-- The SOLID Principles
-- Unit Testing and Refactoring
-- Common Design Patterns
You Can't Be a Good Software Developer Without Knowing Some General Algorithms...
So, I Want To Introduce A Book for Learning About Algorithms and Have Fun 😁
#10 - Grokking Algorithms by Aditya Bhargava
According to
" Grokking Algorithms is a fully illustrated, friendly guide that teaches you how to apply common algorithms to the practical problems you face every day as a programmer. You'll start with sorting and searching and, as you build up your skills in thinking algorithmically, you'll tackle more complex concerns such as data compression and artificial intelligence. Each carefully presented example includes helpful diagrams and fully annotated code samples in Python. "
In This Book, You'll Learn:
-- Selection Sort
-- Recursion
-- Hash Tables
-- Dijkstra’s Algorithm...
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